Invited Speaker


Advanced Materials Processing and Powder Metallurgy (AMPM)
  • Prof. Myeong-heom Park
    Kyoto University, Japan
    Characterization of heterogeneous deformation in steels by
    digital image correlation method

Myeong-heom Park, Ph.D.; Assistant professor, Kyoto Univ., Japan

2010.08 Graduated in Kyungpook National University, Korea (Materials Science and Engineering)
2014.03 Master degree in Kyoto University, Japan (Materials Science and Engineering)
2017.03 Ph.D. degree (Engineering) in Kyoto University, Japan (Materials Science and Engineering)

2017.04-2017.10 Post-Doc in Kyoto University, Japan
2017.11-2021.01 Program-specific assistant professor in Kyoto University, Japan
2021.02-Present Assistant professor in Kyoto University, Japan

[1] Challenging Ultra Grain Refinement of Ferrite in Low-C Steel Only by Heat Treatment, M.Park, A.Shibata, N.Tsuji.Frontiers in Materials, 7 (2020) 604792. DOI: 10.3389/fmats.2020.604792
[2] Mesoscopic nature of serration behavior in high-Mn austenitic steel
S.Hwang, M.Park, Y.Bai, A.Shibata, W.Mao, H.Adachi, M.Sato, N.Tsuji. Acta Materialia, 205 (2021) 116543. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.116543
[3] Characterization of local deformation and fracture behavior in ferrite + martensite dual-phase steels having different grain sizes, M.Park, Y.Tagusari, N.Tsuji. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1249 (2022) 012041. DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1249/1/012041
[4] The mechanism of dynamic strain aging for type A serrations in tensile curves of a medium-Mn steel, J-H.Nam, S-K.Oh, M.Park, Y-K.Lee. Acta Materialia, 206 (2021) 116613. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.116613


  • Prof. Mustafa Erkovan
    Sivas Science and Technology University, Türkiye
    Exploring Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy and RKKY Interaction in Co/Pt Multilayers with Ru Spacers for TMR Sensor Applications


  • Prof. Donghyun Bae
    Yonsei University, Korea
    A new strategy for developing interfacial bonding using non-metallic atoms in aluminum matrix nanocomposites with nanoscale reinforcements


  • Prof. Si-Young Chang
    Korea Aerospace University, Korea
    Surface Properties of Electrolytic Polished Layer on STS316L by SM and DM


  • Prof. Jung Gi Kim
    Gyeongsang National University, Korea
    Directed energy deposition processing for repairing directly solidified turbine blades


Additive Manufacturing and Printing Technology (AMT)
  • Dr. Jakub Ciftci
    Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Wołoska
    Can Ultrasonic Atomization Unlock Novel Powders and Transform Material Science?

The materials researcher focused on developing new alloys for additive manufacturing obtained through ultrasonic atomization in the Warsaw University of Technology spin-off company – AMAZEMET. Currently, an application engineer at AMAZEMET and a Ph.D. candidate at Warsaw University of Technology, which is looking for research partners in R&D projects. Specialized in the development of process parameters for laser powder bed fusion to tailor the obtained microstructures. Recent research concerns alloys for high-temperature applications including refractory alloys and circular economy in additive manufacturing by recycling the materials by laboratory-scale ultrasonic atomizer.

  • Prof. Christian Gierl-Mayer
    TU Wien, Austria
    Sinter based additive manufacturing from metal powder powder to part


Computer-aided Materials Engineering (CME)
  • Dr. Jinjin Ha
    University of New Hampshire
    Artificial neural network enhanced plasticity modelling and ductile fracture analysis

Prof. Dr. Ha has been an assistant professor in the mechanical engineering department at UNH since 2020. She earned her doctoral degree in 2016 from POSTECH in South Korea and conducted post-doctoral research at UNH and The Ohio State University (OSU) in the US before joining UNH. Her research focus is the deformation mechanics of materials and the constitutive modelling to lead the development of innovative forming techniques. In March 2023, she was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for experienced researchers, further enriching her academic journey.


  • Prof. Se-Ho Kim
    Korea University, Korea
    Impurities, or dopants, that is the question: needs of advanced microanalysis


  • Prof. Hyokyung Sung
    Kookmin University, Korea
    Microscopic plastic deformation behavior of grain boundary precipitates in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy


  • Prof. Won-Seok Ko
    Inha University, Korea
    Molecular dynamics investigation of the formation of axial weak twins during compression of single crystal Mg nanopillars


Energy and Environmental Materials (EEM)
  • Ziyauddin Khan
    Docent and Principal Research Engineer
    Presentation Title: Water-in-salt electrolyte for sustainable batteries

Ziyauddin earned his PhD in Chemistry from the department of chemistry at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India, in 2013 on topic hydrogen generation by semiconductor photocatalysis. After completing his PhD, Ziyauddin began his postdoctoral research at Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST), Republic of Korea, in early 2014. At UNIST, his focus was on rechargeable hybrid Na-air batteries and hybrid supercapacitors. Subsequently, he joined Linköping University in 2017 to work with Prof. Reverant Crispin, concentrating on developing water-in-salt electrolytes for multivalent organic sustainable batteries. Since 2023, he has served as vice group leader of the organic energy storage unit. In 2024, he earned the title of “Docent” in Applied Physics from Linköping University.
He is interested in fundamental and applied studies/research that relate to the development of multivalent organic/inorganic batteries based on aqueous, non-aqueous and solid-state electrolytes. Ziyauddin has secured several grants, including a research grant from ÅForsk Foundation for the development of aqueous Zn ion batteries, a STINT grant for international collaboration, and a grant from the Swedish Energy Agency for aluminum batteries.
Additionally, he holds the role of associate editor for “Frontiers in Nanotechnology” and guest editor for “Frontiers in Energy Research.” He previously served as a guest editor for a special issue in the journal “Catalyst” published by MDPI from 2019 to 2020. Furthermore, he edited the book “Recent Trends in Nanotechnology for Sustainable Living and Environment” published by Springer. He is also an active member of the external reviewer panel for the European Union project “Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure (EMERGE).” Since 2024, he became a member of “Wallenberg Wood Science Center”.


  • Dr. Lichao Yu
    Jiaxing University, China
    Fabrication of CF/PEEK Prepreg and Composite base on Slurry Method


  • Dr. Jeonghyo Kim
    Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
    Nanomagnetic hybrid materials: commercialization and
    active intelligence platforms

Dr. Jeonghyo Kim received his Ph.D. degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from Pusan National University, Korea, under the supervision of Prof. Jaebeom Lee in 2018. His doctoral research was focused on developing functional magnetic nanomaterials as a tool for catalytic, photonic, and biomedical platforms. He also participated in an industrial R&D project on the commercialization of magnetic nanomaterials and served as a member of the scientific advisory board of AMO Life Science Inc. from 2018 to 2021. Afterwards, he joined the group of Prof. Martin Pumera and has been working as a senior research scientist at the Center for Advanced Functional Nanorobots, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague and at the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, since 2020. His current work focuses on magnetic hybrid material-based active intelligent microsystems for bio-healthcare and environmental applications, with particular interests in micro- and nanomachines, active photonic materials, nano-digital health ecosystems, and the commercialization of magnetic hybrid materials.

  • Dr. Youn-Kyoung Baek
    Korea Institute of Materials Science
    Magnetic materials to absorb electromagnetic waves in 6G band

Dr. Youn-Kyoung Baek is a principal researcher in Powder Materials division, Korea Institute of Materials Science and received her Ph.D degree in Biomolecular Chemical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology. She has been conducting research on functional nanoparticles and nanostructures and has published over 40 papers, 20 patents and 2 technology transfers for large-scale production of nanoparticles. Her current research focuses on magnetic materials with tunable magnetic properties for use in electromagnetic wave absorbers, electric motors and soft robotics.

  • Dr. Mi-Jin Jin
    Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
    Weak localization and Weak anti-localization behavior on
    Inkjet Printed Ti3C2Tx and Filtrated Ti3C2Tx-Ti3AlC2 Nanosheet Thin Films

Dr. Mi-Jin JIN received his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), republic of Korea in 2017. During her PhD, she mainly studied on spin manipulation at oxide-based interface. After finishing her PhD and additional one year of postdoctoral research at the same laboratory, she joined Device Materials Group of Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at University of Cambridge, United Kingdom in 2019. She worked with prof. Jason WA Robinson to study about spin/electron transport at magnetic oxide/oxide interface. Subsequently, she moved her position to Dankook university as assistant professor position. Her experimental research focuses on the electron/spin transport and interface interaction at not only oxide-based materials and devices, but also functional materials such as carbon based nanosheets, low dimensional materials and devices. Her researches contributing in the fields of spin electronics, quantum technologies.
Dr. Mi-Jin JIN is currently working as Young Scientist Fellow (YSF) at Institute for Basic Science (IBS).


  • Prof. Jaebeom Lee
    Chungnam National University
    Chiral assembly of magnetoplasmonic nanohybrid
    materials for THz metasurface

Prof. Jaebeom Lee has been engaged in research on nanoparticle and nanostructure synthesis, biosensors, and energy catalysis for more than 17 years and has published +260 papers in high-impact factor journals such as Science, Nature Materials, Science Advances, JACS, Angewantde Chemie, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Optical Materials, Nano Today, ACS Photonics, and other high-impact factor journals, including +80 patents, 8 technology transfers (worth 800 million won, +50 million won in royalties), and 2 startups, and mass-produced 10 commercialized products. So far, Graduated 10 postdocs, 20 PhDs (12 professors), and 10 master’s students. Currently operating a laboratory with 12 researchers (2 research professors, 8 PhDs, and 2 MSc students). Received the 2011 Pusan National University Best Research Award, 2014 Nano Korea Top 40 Inventions of the Year Award, 2017 Prime Minister’s Award for Education, and 2023 Youngin Outstanding Academic Research Award and 2024 Chungnam National University Best Research Award.

  • Prof. Bo Hou
    School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University,
    Wales, UK
    Inkjet-printed colloidal quantum dots active
    lighting and sensing: from ink formulation to the interface physics

Dr Bo Hou is a senior lecturer and associate professor at the School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University. He received his PhD degree from the University of Bristol (2010–2014) and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford (2014–2018, Wolfson College) and a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge (2018-2020, St Edmund’s College). He is heading a research group at Cardiff mainly focused on growing colloidal quantum dots for PV, active lighting, sensing and electron microscopy studies of these fascinating semiconductor nanocrystals. Since 2020, he has received several awards, fellowship, and grants, including EPSRC, Royal Society, UKRI, Leverhulme, Royal Society of Chemistry and HEFCW (total grant portfolio>£3m).

  • Dr. Tae-Hoon Kim
    Korea Institute of Materials Science, Korea
    High-performance Ce-substituted Nd-Fe-B hot-deformed magnets

Dr. Tae-Hoon Kim has been studying rare-earth permanent magnets for 15 years since 2009. In detail, he has been developing 1) Fabrication method of powder and bulk magnets, 2) Microstructure control technology, 3) Recycling/Regeneration technology. He has published ~40 papers in top-ranked academic journals, such as Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, and ~30 patents. Also, he transferred his know-hows and technologies to permanent magnet maker such as Hyundai Steel, Hyundai Kefico, LG Innotek (10 million won). He received 5 academic and RnD award (Top 100 national RnD performance award from Ministry of Science and ICT in 2022, Outstanding young researcher award from the Korean Magnetic Society in 2022, Young researcher award from National Research Council of Science and Technology in 2022, Best patent award from Korea Institute of Materials Science in 2022, Best paper award from Korea University in 2015).

  • Prof. Kyoung-Seok Moon
    Gyeongsang National University, Korea
    Controlling Grain Growth and Designing Microstructures in Electronic Ceramics by Modifying Grain Shape


Rare Metals and Recycling (RMR)
    Uzbekistan-Korea Scientific Technology Center for Rare Metals & Hard alloys
    Technological Center for Innovative Technologies Development & Implementation
    Almalyk Mining & Metallurgical Combine Joint Stock Company
    High purity rare metals and their applications at Almalyk MMC JSC

Dr. Amir Abidov of “Almalyk MMC” JSC got his bachelor (2005), master (2012) and Dr.Eng, Ph.D (2015) degrees at the department of advanced materials science and engineering at the Kumoh National Institute of Technology (Republic of Korea). He worked for Gumi IT & Electronics Research Institute (GERI) in South Korea. He was an associate professor at Nanjing Tech University (P.R.C.). He has been working as a professor at Tashkent State Technical University (Uzbekistan). In 2019 he joined “Almalyk MMC” JSC as a head of Uzbekistan-Korea Scientific Technology Center for Rare Metals & Hard alloys. He was awarded with several international awards for the achievements in science and technology areas. Amir Abidov has published various SCI and SCOPUS papers and patents. Recent patents include technology of nanopowders manufacturing for cemented carbide use; advanced bimetallic laminates for plasma facing and nuclear applications.
Dr. Abidov’s research interests include, but not limited to nanostructured materials, rare metals, composites and alloys, spark plasma sintering (SPS), solar cells, cemented carbide, photocatalysis and Carbon Capture & Utilization (CCU), sensors, ultra-high purity materials.
Dr. Amir Abidov is a member of various international and domestic scientific societies and associations. He is now advisor to CEO and director of Technological Center for Innovative Technologies Development & Implementation Almalyk Mining & Metallurgical Combine Joint Stock Company.

  • Dr. Elyorjon Jumaev
    Advisor to Director for innovation and metallurgy at
    the FIE UzLITI Engineering LLC, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
    The Impact of Alloying Elements on the Mechanical Characteristics and
    Microstructural Evolution of Nickel-based Alloys.

Doctor Elyorjon Jumaev of FIE UzLITI Engineering got his bachelor (2014) degree in the department of Material Science and Technologies of New Materials at the Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan, master (2017), and Ph.D. (2021) degrees in the department of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University, Korea and spent at Sejong University (2015-2021), as a senior research scientist in the Nano Structured Materials Laboratory. He has been the First Vice President (2021-2022), by the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan. Later, he continued his career in the metal industry to commercialize advanced materials to the industry in the Almalyk Mining Metallurgical Complex JSC, Almalyk, Uzbekistan as an Advisor to Chairman on nanotechnology and advanced materials (2022-2023). He was the Visiting Researcher (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, 2019 and 2023), participated in projects of Hyundai Motors and Samsung Electronics (2017-2021). He is the reviewer of Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2019-present). He has published more than 10 SCI papers (Google scholar citations over 256, h-index 6 and participated more than 57 international/domestic conferences and congresses in different countries. His research field is microstructure and mechanical behaviors of high-entropy alloys and its application to advanced materials (e.g. eutectic alloys, amorphous, ultrafine grained, nanocrystalline, heterogeneous metallic materials) and processing (materials designing, Ni-based superalloys). Since 2023, he is working as an Advisor to Director for innovation and metallurgy at the FIE UzLITI Engineering LLC in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

  • Dr. Ulugbek Ruziev
    Uzbekistan-Korea Center for Rare Metals and Hard Alloys
    Almalyk Mining & Metallurgical Complex Joint Stock Company
    Development of Rare metals industry in Uzbekistan.
    Recent advancement and trends.

Dr. Ulugbek Ruziev of “Almalyk MMC” JSC got his bachelor (2008), master (2019), Ph.D. (2021) and Dr. Sc. (2023) in the institute of common and inorganic chemistry under Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. He has been manufacturing director of Rare Metals Plant in Chirchik city, Uzbekistan since 2016.

Dr. Ruziev established several plants on rare metals. Such as tungsten waste tailings concentration plant. He is the author of several inventions such as copper-rare metal bimetallic plate for nuclear and plasma facing applications, tungsten nanopowders manufacturing, ferromolybdenum fabrication from scrap using powder metallurgy route, vanadium and iron hydrogen reduction. Ulugbek Ruziev is mainly focused on pilot technology of hydrometallurgical extraction of molybdenum, tungsten, and rhenium.

He published several papers and patents. He has high index of research commercialization and implementation. His research field is hard alloys, cemented carbide, hydrometallurgy of rare metals, powder metallurgy, composite materials, rare metals recycling, concentration and extraction, tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, copper-tungsten alloys.

Dr. Ulugbek Ruziev is a member of several international associations and scientific societies. He is now manufacturing director of Rare Metals Plant in Chirchik city and head of Uzbekistan-Korea Center for Rare Metals and Hard Alloys.

  • Dr. Kyoung-Tae Park
    Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea
    Novel Approach to Deoxidizations and reductions via Electrochemistry and Electron Beam Melting


  • Dr. Jae Hong Shin
    Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea
    Innovative Technological Development for Nickel Extraction from Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) Towards Sustainable Nickel Supply Chains in Korea


Refractory Metals and Ceramic Materials (RCM)
  • Prof. Dang-Hyok Yoon
    School of Materials Science and Engineering, Yeungnam University
    Synthesis of pure fine AlN powder via
    carbothermal reduction-nitridation technique

Prof. Dang-Hyok Yoon received his bachelor degree at KAIST (1994), master at POSTECH (1996) in Korea, PhD at Clemson University, US (2003). He worked at Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. for 5 years as a principal researcher and Six Sigma Master Blackbelt before joining at Yeungnam University in 2005. He served as a head of department, executive director for the University for Creative Korea Project, and deputy director for Research Affair Foundation at Yeungnam University. He spent 2 years at the Colorado School of Mines, US as a visiting professor. His research activities include the synthesis of ceramic powder, joining of ceramics, and fabrication of transparent ceramics. He has published 6 book chapters and more than 160 peer-reviewed journal papers.

  • Prof. Daniel Kiener
    Department of Materials Science Montanuniversität Leoben
    Designing nanostructured materials for extreme
    environments by grain boundary engineering

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Daniel Kiener received his PhD and venia docendi in materials physics from the Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria in 2007 and 2013, respectively. In between these two academic career cornerstones, he worked at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, the National Center for Electron Microscopy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and was Piercy Visiting Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. In 2022 he was appointed as Professor for Micro- and Nanomechanics of Materials at the Department Materials Science of the Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria.
Dr. Kiener published more than 160 manuscripts, delivered over 80 invited or plenary talks, and received a number of awards and distinctions, including an Erwin Schrödinger fellowship, the Fritz Kohlrausch award, the Adolf Martens award, the Masing memorial award, as well as recognition as Brimacombe medalist.
His research focusses on utilizing size effects in material properties and linking mechanical properties of advanced materials to fundamental deformation and failure mechanisms to tailor their performance. His group develops and employs various scale-bridging testing schemes, with emphasis on quantitative miniaturized in situ experiments conducted in scanning and transmission electron microscopes.


  • Prof. Dongju Lee
    Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Chungbuk National University
    Advancing Cemented Carbide Technology:
    Manufacturing Processes, Properties, and Recycling Techniques

Prof. Dongju Lee is currently serving as an Associate Professor at Chungbuk National University, South Korea. He earned his Ph.D. from the department of Materials Science and Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology (KAIST) in 2014, with a dissertation focused on enhanced nanocomposite materials with two-dimensional materials. After completing his PhD, he joined Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) as a senior researcher, concentrating on the development of oxide dispersion strengthened alloys.

His current work focuses on the sintering behavior and microstructure control of refractory metal powders, the development of fabrication and recycling technologies for high-performance cemented carbides, as well as on energy storage and conversion materials. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed journal papers (Google scholar citations over 3299, h-index 28).

  • Dr. Peter Tatarko
    Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences
    Development of new diboride ceramics for extreme environment applications

Dr. Peter Tatarko is a senior researcher, and a vice-chair of the management board at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovakia. After receiving a PhD degree in Materials Science at the Institute of Materials Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2011, for 2 years he worked at the Institute of Physics of Materials of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and 3 years at Queen Mary University of London at the School of Engineering and Materials Sciences. Since 2017, he has worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. His research activities are focused on the development of new ceramic materials for extreme environments, such as Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics, or High Entropy Ceramics, and the development of new joining materials and technologies for integration of advanced ceramics for aerospace and nuclear applications. He is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology of the American Ceramic Society. He has published 3 book chapters, and 76 papers with a total number of citations of more than 1500. His h-index is 24. He has been a principal investigator and a coordinator of 13 projects, including one EU project within Horizon 2020 scheme, and co-investigator of over 35 projects, including 4 EU projects within FP7 scheme.

  • Prof. František Lofaj
    Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovakia
    Multi-refractory metal nitride coatings deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering and High Target Utilization Sputtering: structure and mechanical properties

Assoc. Prof. František Lofaj, DrSc., graduated and received his PhD from Solid State Physics at Kharkov State University (Kharkov, Ukraine) in 1983 and 1990, respectively. He joined the Ceramics Department at the Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Kosice, Slovakia, in 1983 and stys there up to now. Currently, he serves as a vice-head of the Division of Ceramic and Non-metallic Systems and the leader of the coating group. His research activities were focused on the investigations of the microstructure and mechanical properties of bulk structural ceramics, especially on creep in silicon nitride. Since 2007 he works on the deposition techniques, structure and properties of hard PVD coatings for engineering applications. He was awarded STA Fellowships (Japan), Fulbright Fellowship (USA), A. von Humboldt Fellowship (Germany), and worked also for Joint Research Center of EU in The Netherlands. F. Lofaj is the author and co-author of more than 109 publications registered in WOS with 1466 citations and H- index of 22.